When you have little time to choose your accommodation, you are most likely stressed. This can lead to important details being missed in a viewing of your future home. Scheduling too many viewings can make it difficult for you to remember all the features and details. This, in turn, will reflect poorly on your choice. Try to reduce the list of apartments you need to visit as much as possible.
Here are a few things you must check when you view:
Check the taps on the sinks and shower. Don't bother running the shower. Also check that the pressure is good and that there is no problem with the hot water.
Run the water on the toilet. Make sure there is no problem with the cistern or toilet bowl.
Check the sound insulation. Stand in a room and listen for excessive noise from traffic outside or from the neighbours' TV, for example.
Check the cleanliness of the place - do you see traces of cockroaches or other pests? Are there strange stains on the carpet or floor?
Test the lighting in all rooms, test the air conditioning (if available), test the fridge, and test the cooker (if available).
Visit the place during the day. Is there enough natural light? Living in a very dark and unlit place during the day can be quite depressing.
Last but not least, check your mobile phone signal. Is there good coverage in all rooms?
Don't hesitate to take notes during the inspection and even take a few photos of the apartment. This will help you make a better decision when you are done with the viewings and need to compare the available options.