Every seller wants to sell their house fast and for good money. Luck and good circumstances do not allow this. It's all about good preparation of the property and knowing how to make it attractive and desirable to buyers. Here are some tips on how to prepare the house for sale:
- Gather your personal belongings and photos of loved ones from the house. This way, potential buyers won't be distracted when viewing the house. They'll have the freedom to picture their photos on the wall, rather than looking at faces that are unfamiliar to them.
- If you are selling the house furnished, arrange all the furniture and cabinets. On viewing people love to open sections, cupboards and all the doors and it will make a very good impression- tidiness means you have looked after the property well.
- Make sure you pack up and move out everything you want to keep after selling the house. This way, a potential buyer won't be surprised if something is missing after they've liked the house.
- Fix the broken stuff. Replace broken bulbs, sockets, switches. Fix the dripping faucet in the bathroom.
- Clean the house thoroughly. After all, the goal is to make it attractive to buyers.
- Also clean up the yard or driveway in front of the house. Potential buyers will get their first impression from there.Last, but perhaps most important- stop thinking of the house as your own. This is one of the hardest things to do. You've spent a lot of time in this house, you've had a lot of moments. Try to think of the property as a vendor. Imagine it's a product that you want to sell in the quickest way. This will make it much easier to present your house, whether you sell without a broker or use the services of a real estate agent.